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.All Trips / Food / North America / South Carolina / Southeastern USA / Travel Talk
Jestine’s Kitchen, Charleston, South Carolina
In the past decade or so, Charleston has emerged as a food/foodie travel destination. On an extended weekend visit to Charleston, we enjoyed superb food every single meal. Most everything is fried and a little “heavier” than we’re used to, as you’d expect in the south, but we ate well and I’m sure we got onto our planes as we departed somewhat heavier than when we arrived.
One of the more memorable meals we enjoyed in Charleston was at Jestine’s Kitchen, named in honor of Jestine Matthews (a great southern cook). This restaurant was recommended by the hosts of our B&B accommodation, and also is a recommended by the best online source of great “American food,” …
Tagged Charleston, Dining, food, Jestine's Kitchen, restaurant, southern