“Pic of the Week”, January 15, 2021: Robba Fountain, Ljubljana


An interesting monument to see in Ljubljana, a symbol of the city, is the Robba Fountain (Fountain of the Three Carniolan Rivers).  It’s situated in Mesti trg Square in front of Ljubljana Town Hall, and is a good spot to enjoy nice views of the city’s historic core and the people moving about here.

This Baroque fountain was completed in 1751 by Venetian-born sculptor Francesco Robba, who spent most of his life working in Ljubljana.  The fountain he crafted is made of Carrara marble and consists of three male figures with water jugs, representing the three rivers of Carniola: the Ljubljanica, Sava and Krka.  In it’s center is a 10 foot tall obelisk made of local sandstone.
In 2006, the original fountain was …

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.All Trips / Europe / Slovakia

Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

Bratislava —  An overlooked travel destination

Bratislava, capitol of land-locked Slovakia, was not what I expected.  It’s an old city whose history goes back to well before the time of Christ, including envelopment into the Hungarian and Hapsburg empires and more recently the Soviet empire.  It was my first visit to a former eastern-block country and I thought I’d see a small struggling city still trying to shake off the burdens of Communist repression.  While there is some evidence of that this city of nearly 500,000 is being reborn.  There are many construction and remodeling projects and an invigorating entrepreneurial energy is in the air.  The streets are filled with tourists taking in the sights of the old city and Austrians shopping for bargains (which are …

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