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.All Trips / North America / Western Canada / Yukon
MacBride Museum, Whitehorse
I’ve visited the MacBride museum twice, first in the late 1990s and again 20 years later. The museum had changed a lot. The building that houses it had expanded significantly (growing some 15,000 square feet) and its collection and display space have also grown.
The MacBride Museum has been collecting and documenting the Yukon’s history for almost 70 years. The Museum was founded by the Yukon Historical Society and later named for W.D. MacBride. Mr. MacBride was born in Montana, was orphaned as a child, and moved to Alaska in 1912. A few years later he relocated to Whitehorse where he lived, married, raised a family, and worked for almost 50 years as an employee of the White Pass and Yukon …
Tagged AlCan highway, history, Klondike Gold Rush, MacBride Museum, Yukon