.All Trips / Europe / Pic of the Week / Spain

“Pic of the Week”, December 23, 2022: Plaza de Toros, Seville

01 Plaza de Tores

Bullfighting remains a popular sport in parts of Spain, especially in Seville.  Here you can visit Plaza de Toros, one of the oldest bullrings in the world.  The arena’s construction began in 1762 and was completed in 1881; it can hold up to 14,000 spectators, making it competitive with most popular sports.

Plaza_de_Toros_de_la_Real_Maestranza_-_Sevilla. Courtesy Wikimedia and Harlock20
(Inside of Seville’s bullfighting arena, courtesy Wikimedia and Harlock20)

My wife stopped by the arena late in the day so we didn’t have a chance to do a guided tour, which I think would have been interesting.  Besides visiting the inside of the arena (you need to take a tour or see a bullfight to do so), the tour includes a visit to a museum of bullfighting, the chapel where matadors pray and the infirmary where they’re patched up when the bull wins the fight.

02 Plaza de Tores
03 Plaza de Tores
04 Plaza de Tores

There are lots of posters of old bullfights on the walls of the arena.

05 Plaza de Tores
06 Plaza de Tores
07 Plaza de Tores

A few statues are scattered outside, the most interesting to me being that of Curro Romera, a famous and popular bullfighter from Seville.  He retired at the age of 66 after 42 years in the ring — a remarkable career by any standards.

08a Plaza de Tores
10 Plaza de Tores
11 Plaza de Tores
12 Plaza de Tores
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