.All Trips / Africa / Pic of the Week / South Africa

“Pic of the Week”. April 5, 2013. Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town, South Africa

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There are two types of places I enjoy visiting in my urban travels — aquariums and libraries.  I love libraries because of their architecture, the thousands of wonderful books, and I find the quality of a library tells me a lot about the values of a city’s citizens and government.  I like to visit aquariums because they’re so much fun!  Where else for a few bucks can you be transported to a different world?  I can easily lose myself for most of a day in a good aquarium.

The finest aquarium I’ve ever visited is the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California; the Two Oceans Aquarium in the V&A waterfront of Cape Town comes awfully close to Monterey for it’s quality of exhibits.  I really enjoyed it’s main tank, this massive display that you see in the featured photos entitled, “The Ocean Basket Kelp Forest exhibit”, including a kelp forest and hundreds of beautiful fish.  I especially like how the “God-beams” of light penetrate the water in these photos.

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge, right arrow to advance)

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