“Pic of the Week”, July 3, 2015: Polar Bears, Manitoba


Manitoba is famous for its polar bears, especially the wild ones around Hudson’s Bay.  For several weeks each fall Churchill draws the attention of animal lovers from around the world, as they flock to this small port town for their chance to see these massive animals on the shore of Hudson’s Bay, waiting for the water to freeze so they can go out and hunt seals.

These polar bears are completely benign, not man-eaters but created by man.  We came across this colorful display of polar bears behind the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg.  Beautifully and cleverly designed and executed by the artists, now presented for your enjoyment!


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.All Trips / Central Canada / Manitoba / North America

Everyone loves a parade! The gathering — Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

007 Winnipeg  parade

My father lives in Winnipeg and I visit him several times a year.  During these weekend visits we mostly relax and catch up but we both enjoy going out to explore and see things.  Never know what you might find when you do!

Like most North American cities (and maybe even more than most), Winnipeg is a rich mosaic of people from different countries.  This cultural and ethnic diversity is highlighted in a series of festivals throughout the year the most notable of which is Folklorama, an annual 2 week celebration.  Immigrants and their descendants set up “Pavilions” around the city (often in school auditoriums or community centers) in which the traditional food, song, dance, and artifacts from that …

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