“Pic of the Week”, December 5, 2014: Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Recoleta Cemetery and Iglesia Nuestra Senora del Pilar tower 071

Who would have thought the most desirable, the most expensive and exclusive real estate in Buenos Aires would be in this cemetery?  Recoleta cemetery is the resting place of many local celebrities and dignitaries, from politicians to business people to Nobel Prize winners, but by far it’s most famous grave here is that of Evita (Eva Peron).

Situated in the exclusive Recoleta neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Recoleta cemetery is adjacent to Our Lady of Pilar church (Iglesia de Nuestra SeƱora del Pilar), built in 1732, whose tower you can see in the background of these photos.  The cemetery covers 14 acres and has just under 4700 permanent residents — not counting all the feral cats.  It’s mausoleums, statuary …

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