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Dublin, Ireland: Trinity College and its Book of Kells
Trinity College gives you a grand entrance to its inner courtyard. Through a door within a massive larger door, you enter a square and see the college’s bell-tower (Campanile) set in its center, surrounded by an assortment of buildings. The Campanile is one of the College’s — for that matter Dublin’s — iconic landmarks; built in 1853, it stands 30.5 m (100 ft) tall and is mostly constructed of granite. You’ll not see students lingering under this tower because of a lasting superstition that if you’re beneath it when the bell tolls, you’ll fail your exams. But enjoy it’s fine construction then look around a bit.
Beyond the bell-tower, there’s a lot to see at Trinity College. Situated on the south bank of the River Liffey, …
Tagged Book of Kells, Campanile, Dublin, Library, Trinity College